Real Time Water Quality Trailer

Portable real time water quality measurements.


  • Nitrate-nitrogen.
  • Total suspended solids.
  • Dissolved oxygen.
  • Electrical conductivity.
  • Stream level.
  • Stream temperature.


  • Secure log-in system.
  • Portable trailer for either long-term or short-term measurments.
  • Solar powered 24v/12v system. Controlled by a Campbell Scientific CR1000 datalogger.
  • Vacuum pump with 20m head suction.
  • 180db antenna and low data consumption.
  • Pressurised air blast lens cleaning.
  • Trios Nico or Opus spectrophotometer.
  • Reservoir stilling chamber to reduce water turbulence.
  • Physical access to spectrophotometer lens for hard cleaning.
  • Countless usage applications.
  • Available in trailer and box mounted configurations.


At a pre-programmed interval, typically hourly, water located at the trailers inlet is passed through a conductivity meter and a spectrometer for analysis. A pressure depth sensor is situated near the inlet to provide water depth and temperature measurements which has a range of 0.2m – 20m water level. Data is then uploaded directly for viewing on the BBIFMAC website. Only relevant parties are able to gain access to this data.

The BBIFMAC team has many years of experience operating in the Burdekin floodplain and great relationships with the local agricultural community.